I come across as bored, rude, boring, and ungrateful... when really I'm shy and anxious and really hate being put on the spot. I like to talk about myself but yet I don't. I love God but yet I can't vocalize it at times. It makes me think about all of the things in life that go unsaid and it makes me sad a little bit. Someone out there that thinks they know me may not at all. People are multifaceted and maybe just because they don't want to vocalize what motivates them to a group of strangers even though deep inside their mind they are thinking about the two younger cousins who they want to lead the way for and be an example of a successful person who started off just like them who made it, but is simply shy. I'm grateful. I'm grateful that God has speared my life and blessed me in so many ways. But at that moment when asked to volunteer to voice it, I panicked.
Am I struggling with my own personality traits and should I overcome my shyness or is it just an innate part of me that God put for a reason? Or because I have Christ in my life should I over come it for the sake of him? Am I like Moses? I'm so confused.
I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me
And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
Of all who's who and so-n-so's that used to be the best
At such'n'such ... it wouldn't matter much
I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
We all need an 'Atta boy' or 'Atta girl'
But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
The temporary trappings of this world
I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy
I don't have to look too far or too long awhile
To make a lengthly list of all that I enjoy
It's an accumulating trinket and a treasure pile
Where moth and rust, thieves and such will soon enough destroy
Not well traveled, not well read, not well-to-do or well bred
Just want to hear instead, "Well Done" good and faithful one...