Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Bible Reading...chords...

So I've decided to read 1 book in the bible per week. I wonder If I can do it. I'm doing this in a random order because reading by themes (like the bible is organized) didn't work for me. So I read Ruth today and I liked it. Naomi was very devoted to her mother in law... I liked that and it turned out for the best in the end.

I'm tired because I had to get all dressed up to go back to school for an awards show tonight. I got my top 10% letter and my Science Honor Society chord... I'll have a special tassle on my graduation cap for the top 15% people. So Yeah it was good and I made a lot of noise for my friends and especially for salutatorian, Maria. No clapping for the valedictorian though. We don't support manipulators here. No sirree.

I'm done.

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