Sunday, April 13, 2008

I am a dreamer...

I've been thinking a lot. Thinking about what I want to accomplish with my college career. It seems like my major is so hard and time consuming that I can't do anything sometimes! But with Christ I can do all things because he strengthens me! I also just want to place in his hands what I want to do because he knows what he wants for my life.

There are just so many possibilities and I don't want them to go by without giving them a chance. Well I have to go to studio now to get some more work done on my current FINAL project.

There are a lot of things I want to get done this summer and really grow in. Jesus is amazing.

In the begining of this year when I didn't get into something that I really wanted I told God that I'd spend this time waiting on it to come around again with HIM. Like really getting to know God and loving Him. I have and it's amazing. Much better than anything else I can imagine. I am at such peace now and I feel like I can do anything. I have grown so much in less than 3 months. spiritually, physically, and mentally. But I think when you grow spiritually it makes growing mentally and physically a lot easier.

I love how I am growing closer to friends that are genuinely great people who love the Lord. I need a spiritual mentor though. I think that's what I should pray about.

I've lately gotten very aware of different causes helping the tragedies going on in our world and have asked myself what can I do now to help and what can I do once I am in the work force to help. I think these are good questions to really pinpoint what outlook you have on your life in regards to Isaiah 58. That's basically my outlook right now, and of course psalm 31:30.

I also just finished reading this book and it's amazing...

1 comment:

mommykoo said...

I clicked on that other comment and it messed up my laptop. delete it.

i wanted to say i;ve been missing you and thinking about you. hope your projects are going well!