Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Just an update...

Architorture has started up again! I'm taking 5 classes this semester and am trying to keep up but it's looking good so far. I just came home to get some dinner and fuel up for the last drawing. We're drawing floorplans from Tadao Ando's Koshino house. He's supposed to be one of the greatest architects still alive.

I've been keeping up with my bible reading. It has been good.

I've been keeping in contact with friends and family which I didn't do much of last semester.

I've worked out and counted my calories successfully so far this week. I feel better now and never hungry or deprived. Even if I can't have two slices of bread because I don't have enough calories left by dinner time to make a whole sandwhich. Tonight I had chicken noodle soup and a melted cheese and turkey on a slice of bread. It was pretty good. I'm liking this way of eating. I no longer crave fast food or stuff on campus. I feel like I'm actually saving money too.

I must go back to studio and hopefully get out of their by midnight. It is now 8:17pm.


Phillip Koo said...

hey danielle,

i liked the changes in your life. I'm going 50 days straight hitting weights and running. I've mixed shoulder-back, chest-arms, and abs-legs as 3 primary workouts sets for my body. I've lost 12 lbs so far.

anyway, ,good to hear from you!

God Bless

Danielle said...

congrats on the weight loss! I need to get bk to Publix soon so i can get back on the wagon!