Sunday, January 27, 2008

A letter to God.

Dear God,

I'm sorry.

I was selfish. I lied to you. I put my joy in the hands of others and not in you. I tried to be in control and push your will out of the way. I was a hipocrit. I knew deep down that it wasn't my time and you had something different planned.

I tried to bargain with you. "Lord if you do this for me then I will definitely read my bible and..." I was so foolish and selfish. You're the best friend I could ever have yet I was about to forget about you for others that can't even compare.

Thank you for your grace, eternal love, and life. This year I will spend that extra time planned for something else to you. I will abide by your will God. No more tears. Lead me in the right direction God. please?


mommykoo said...

Lord, bless Danielle with Your wisdom, discernment, and encouragement. Let her see Your glory in her life and encourage her to show that glory to others. Give her that guidance she needs. Show her the direction she has to go. Help her seek Your will. We ask all things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, our King. Amen.

Phillip Koo said...

What my wife said.

Much love to you from us. Here's a big warm hug from all 4 of us!!!

